Sunday, February 05, 2006

big surprise: back to the buffet

my people tricked me yesterday.

of course i knew it was saturday -- they didn't seem in a huge rush as they showered and put their clothes on and they didn't go to the gym before i woke up. but then when they were ready they said the magic words: "daisy, want to go to grandma and grandpa's".

duh. what did they think? i'd say no. please.

so we got in the truck and headed down the highway. the car ride wasn't so bad because i got put on the seat -- much more comfy than the floor.

i hope my people get me the seat cover they're talking about for the truck. the back seat is too slippery but i still like sitting on it especially if i have a warm human next to me.

once we got there my people went away for a while so the buffet could begin: i had chicken. i had bananas. i had some dog cookies. i had some kilbassa. i had so many yummy things in such a short amount of time that i can't even remember.

my people came back to grandma and grandpa's for a while. grandpa didn't seem to be able to move as fast as usual -- he had his knee rebuilt or something like that -- so i took it easy on the old guy. he still had to play ball with me, but i spent some time on the couch lounging with him. he lets me have the side i like -- the right side has the best headrest.

then my people left again. grandma gave me some more snacks.

when my people came back carrying bags of food, all i really wanted to do nap. so i did. that is until the roast beef dinner was ready. i got some and gravy too in my bowl. so i ate that and skipped the crunchies. i can get them any time. then i went to work on grandma. my cute looks guarantee 1/2 her dinner ends up in my tummy.

speaking of that, i had 1/2 of my female human's sushi and sashimi dinner the night before. i love that cat food! it's even better than when it's cooked. i wish my people had it more often.

so it's been a good weekend for food so far. hopefully today is also good.


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