Monday, January 09, 2006

no resolutions needed

so my people may need to make new years fitness resolutions, but not me. i exercise 2, 3, 4, sometimes even more every day. i'm in great shape for a bulldawg half my age.

my sport of choice is ball. it doesn't really matter what kind of ball, tennis, nerf, soccer, rubber, golf, they're all good. delicious, in fact. some are easier than others to destroy.

but my favourite ball is an orange road hockey ball. i think it's a texture thing. and it's easy to hold in my mouth and still breathe. i run pretty fast when i'm playing ball so that's important.

there's another ball that i really like -- it is clear plastic and has little spikes all over it. it fits neatly in my cheek while i run. it's excellent for chewing too because it massages my gums. my people said it's called a massage ball. go figure.


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